sexta-feira, 19 de março de 2010

21st International poster and graphic arts festival of Chaumont

Chaumont (France) - 21st International poster and graphic arts festival of Chaumont invites design professionals to enter for this year's International Poster Competition and selection of the best French Posters, and invites students to enter the "Students, All to Chaumont!" Competition, both with deadlines in early April.

For 21 years now, the International Poster and Graphic Design Festival of Chaumont has accompanied poster-making and its development by organising an annual international poster competition endorsed by Icograda.

International Poster Competition and selection of the best French Posters
For the first time this year, the International Competition will begin to build up a selection of French posters intended to highlight graphic design in France and to encourage commissions of value, by means of carrying through exhibitions and mediation following the Festival.

Deadline for entries: 8 April 2010

The Competition "Students, All to Chaumont!"
For its 21 edition, the International Poster and Graphic Design Festival of Chaumont has chosen the question : "Graphic design, qu'est-ce que c'est ?" as the theme of its student competition.

Deadline for entries: 2 April 2010

Student workshops
Seven Workshops, along the same topic as "Students, all to Chaumont!" will host 105 students from around the world.

The exhibition and festival
100 to 120 selected posters will be exhibited during the Festival, the highlight of which is the awards ceremony. Once the awards and exhibitions are over, the selected posters become part of the collection of contemporary posters built up over the Festival's history.


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