quinta-feira, 5 de março de 2009

Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) - Opening on 18 March 2009, "A Look From Behind: Design in Bosnia and Herzegovina" celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of the Association of Applied Artists and Designers of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ULUPUBIH).

This endorsed event showcases Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) designers and design trends of the last decade at the Cankarjev Dom, the Culture and Congress Centre in Ljublijana, Slovenia.The particularities of the social environment, the changing social context and process of transition, sundry design experiences, findings and demands (artists educated in BiH and those receiving education at celebrated design schools overseas) yield various dissimilar creations that do not espouse a unique design philosophy. Thereby, the exhibition presents a pluralism of views and design practices, conditioned not only by generational changes, but also by type of education and diverse value systems.

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