quinta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2010

Positive Posters announces 2010 finalists

Melbourne (Australia) - After a week of so of speculation, the 2010 finalists for Positive Posters have been announced. This annual design competition aims is to inspire individuals and make a positive difference in the lives of people everywhere.

This year, designers worldwide were asked to respond to the theme of "A Glass half full." The event organisers couldn't be more happy with the quality of the finalists.

The finalists (in order of submission date):

* Rich Smith (England)
* Woo Jin Lee (South Korea)
* James Smart (UK)
* Kayla Turner (USA)
* Ipek Turk (Australia)
* Tuan Tuan (Hong Kong)
* Ron Whitfeild (Australia)
* Damon Armstrong-Porter (Australia)
* Mike Nguyen (Australia)
* Cecilie Larssen Lonning (Norway)
* Tim Swainson (Thailand)
* China Stylus (Hong Kong)
* Hilary Sloane (Australia)
* Amelia Ericksen (Australia)
* Peter Fong (Australia)
* Quentin Brown (Australia)
* Tom Shanahan (Australia)
* Gus Beeforth (Australia)
* Micah Scott (Australia)
* Jeremy Arnold (Australia)
* Nicholas Cary (Australia)
* Sam Ziino (Australia)
* Peter Borg (Australia)
* Wolfgang Steinbauer (Austria)
* Jesse Mallon (Australia)
* Mike Witcombe (Australia)
* Terry Chisholm (New Zealand)
* Hailey McKenzie (Australia)
* Carlo Mussett (Australia)

View the finalists' work in the online gallery: http://positive-posters.com/gallery/2010/finalists/

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