segunda-feira, 19 de outubro de 2009

Branding 3.0

O Branding 3.0 é uma abordagem que estamos construindo de forma coletiva, estudando muito, compartilhando saberes, debatendo e formando nossa rede.

Acreditamos que a soma da investigação de branding, que traz aspectos sutis, intangíveis e emocionais, aos aspectos mais técnicos, hoje abordados de forma independente por consultorias de negócios e sustentabilidade, pode trazer uma análise muito mais completa e genuína para as marcas.

A idéia é colocar a lente econômica, social, cultural e ambiental para avaliar o posicionamento das marcas no atual paradigma de negócios e, num mergulho profundo, rever sua essência, seu propósito, sua razão de ser.

Depois de um grande diagnóstico, colocar a lente de cada marca, que é única, e reposicioná-la no novo paradigma de negócios, que precisa gerar valor sustentável para as pessoas, as empresas e o planeta.

Por seu caráter multidisciplinar, esse Branding 3.0 vai formar uma rede de pessoas, parcerias e saberes 100% adequados às necessidades de cada marca. Por seu caráter integrador, vai construir uma bússola e instrumentalizar os públicos estratégicos de cada marca, ajudando-os a serem muito mais eficazes e alinhados.

Cada marca vai encontrar seu caminho para o futuro, sem seguir as cartilhas verdes ou sociorresponsáveis, ao contrário, cheias de personalidade, trazendo seus melhores talentos e competências, sua potência essencial.

Muitas vezes, nossa grande inspiração virá da natureza, dos bionegócios, em que os ecossistemas são regidos pela lógica de que cada ser dá um pouco de si e recebe um pouco dos outros, gerando benefícios para todos.

Só assim teremos um futuro feito de diversidade, interdependência e relações ganha-ganha.

Texto de Fred Gelli

domingo, 18 de outubro de 2009

Good Design Awards 2009

Japan Industrial Design Promotion Organization (JIDPO) announced the results of the 2009 Good Design Awards on October 1.

Entries for this year opened on April 22 and received 2,952 applications.

As a result of first and second screening, 1034 items received Good Design Awards - including the Good Design Award Best 15 and other special awards.

Recipients of the Good Design Award Best 15 are selected as candidates for the Good Design Grand Award.

The winner of this year's Good Design Grand Award will be selected from among those 15, at the Awards Ceremony to be held on November 6.


sexta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2009

9th Brazilian Graphic Design Biennial

The 9th issue of the biggest graphic design event in South America features almost 300 design projects created in the last couple years by a wide range of Brazilian professionals, from big traditional agencies to recently graduated designers. Selected by some of the finest design professionals and scholars in Brazil, the projects are divided in 9 categories, from visual identity systems and packaging to posters and typeface design.

The 9th Brazilian Graphic Design Biennial will be exhibited during the 2009 Shanghai International Creative Industry Week from October 15th–21st (9am-5:30pm at 800 Changde Road, Building 3). During the weekend of October 17th/18th there will be English/Chinese/Portuguese (at 11am and 3pm) free guided tours to the exhibition by Brazilian graphic designers.

On Monday October 19th 6-8pm, Raffles Design Institute – Shanghai (Donghua University – RDI Main Building – 1882 West Yan An Road) will host two lectures of the Biennial programme: Taschen Books editor Julius Wiedemann will present a lecture on “Visual Communication & Technology”, followed by Digital Communication Ph.D. Luli Radfahrer, who will talk about innovation in the digital culture in his “Fluid Mechanics: Design in the elastic environment” presentation.

After Shanghai, the exhibition travels to Beijing to be part of the Icograda World Congress, in the 4th Floor Gallery, Building 7 of CAFA – Central Academy of Fine Arts from October 26th–30th. The DINGBATS BRASIL exhibition (which was in Shanghai from May to July 2009) will also be displayed at the same location, before traveling to Hong Kong, Macau and Vietnam.


quinta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2009

Positive Posters

Positive Posters (PP) is an international poster design competition for graphic design students, professionals and illustrators that aims to connect design and community. Melbourne will be covered top to toe with the winning poster in Feb 2010 following a huge exhibition night at Rooftop Bar, 11 November 2009. This bi-annual competition will spark a movement that will bridge borders and promote positive thought in places that need it most.


quinta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2009

Young Package 2010

The 15th anniversary is celebrated by brand new pages of the competition, brand new graphics and brand new challanges for young designers. Come with us on a wicked ride through the world of packaging! Try to create a package for sweets or a comic-book heroine out of a box. For more information see section „About competition“.


Design per

Settimana Internazionale della Grafica
Editoria, Ambiente, Nuovi linguaggi, Impresa.
Campi e pratiche del progetto di comunicazione visiva.

Conferenze, tavole rotonde, mostre, incontri, seminari,
workshop, studi aperti, passeggiate tipografiche, proiezioni...
Napoli 6 - 11 ottobre 2009



In response to contemporary design phenomena as a well as other global issues, the 2009 Taiwan International Design Competition will be operating under the theme of 'Restore'. Through this theme the competition hopes to explore design as a tool to create new opportunities and restore the world back to its prosperous state.
